
Nano agNp technology

Nanoselfcleans introduces Antimicrobial Touch Pads

 ” The Self Adhesive & Self Cleaning Touch Points” which uses the power of AgNp Technology to kill Bacteria, Viruses & Fungi through contact killing mechanism on the surface. It prevents the spread of virus &  bacteria through touch .

The touch pads would last for up to 3 month’s. This touch pads are highly effective & recommended to be used at door handles, door push points, shopping cart, dustbins handles, retail counters, shops, malls, offices, home, public places ,community center, hospitals, hotels and many more.

The surface uses the Nano AgNp which effectively inhibit microorganisms (viruses, bacteria & fungi) which works as a medium of preventing transmission of infection through touch.

It is eco friendly and non toxic, please check the technology page for more details

how Self Cleaning touch points works

The AgNp treated touch points works on proven and patented technology.

The active contains of the combination of nanoparticles and non-migratory cationic preservative, which are extremely effective in deactivation of enveloped RNA virus and bacterial DNA genome.Creating a cleaner and safer environment which is harmless to human and its also environment friendly.

Nano Silver is the strongest antimicrobial materials on the earth. It has been tested and proven that it can kill almost all types of bacteria and viruses(99.9%),in just minutes and is also nontoxic and non-harmful to the human body along with providing freshness to the air. 

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